This application allows you to search an archive of Storm Prediction Center (SPC) Convective Outlooks, Mesoscale Convective Discussions (MCD)s, and Convective Watches. This archive is unofficial and based on IEM's processing of text products issued by the SPC. The "Copy ... to Clipboard" button allows you to automatically copy the table to your system clipboard and then within your Spreadsheet application, paste the table!

Search by Point

Either enter coordinates manually:
Latitude (deg N):
Longitude (deg E):
Outlook Search Options:
List Most Recent Event(s)
Select Outlook: Day 1   Day 2   Day 3
Select Category: Categorical   Hail   Tornado   Wind

Or drag marker to select coordinate:

Results of Point Search

This archive dates back until 1987.

JSON-P Webservice
DayThresholdOutlook Issued At (UTC)Outlook Begins (UTC) Outlook Expires (UTC)

This archive dates back until 20 October 2008 and is based on the MCD polygon included within the text.

JSON-P Webservice
Discussion Number UTC Valid UTC Expire Watch Confidence Concerning

This archive dates back until 1997 and uses the initial watch polygon included in the SAW product. These polygons are not the official watches! You should use the VTEC Search tool to get more accurate results for the watch-by-county era.

GeoJSON-P Webservice
Watch NumberTypeUTC ValidUTC Expire